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'''Wikinews''' est un recueil de [[Wikinews:Contenu des articles|dépêches et de reportages d'actualité]] entièrement écrit par ses utilisateurs. Wikinews s'appuie sur certaines valeurs fondamentales :
*Wikinews se concentre sur '''l'actualité'''. OurNos articles aretraitent ond'évenements currenten eventscours, wece aren'est notpas inun thelivre businessd'histoire ofou writingencore historyune books or encyclopedia entriesencyclopedie. IfSi aun storysujet isressort breakingau overbout ade severalquelques day spanjours, thenplusieurs multiplearticles articlespourront shouldalors beêtre writtenécrit onsur thece topicsujet.
*Wkinews is '''focused'''. ThatPour is, for claritydes toraisons thede readerclarté, storiesles concentratearticles onse aconcentrent singlesur currentun eventseul orévenement phenomenonou atphenomène aà specificla timefois.
*Wikinews '''is written from a [[Wikinews:Neutral point of view|neutral point of view]]'''. Where-ever possible, all points of view should be presented providing they are referenced and are on-topic, with appropiate context given to how widely the points of view are held.
*Wikinews is '''factual'''. Articles should deal only with facts and their verifiable consequences. There should be neither conjecture nor personal opinion of the author(s).
*Wikinews is '''relevant'''. Wikinews stories reflect events that impact people and explain why their subject matter is important to readers who may be unfamiliar with the topic.
*Wikinews isest bothà la fois '''global''' andet '''local'''. BeingEn bothétant global andet sur Internet-based, storiesles shouldsujets betraités writtendevraient withêtre theinformatif intentet tointeressant bepour bothun informative and interesting to anaudience international audience.
*Wikinews isest '''collaborativecollaboratif'''. AUn article Wikinews storyn'a doespas not have onede reporter asou its authord'auteur, thetous worldsont isinvité invitedà to join in and writeécrire, editéditer andet rewriteréecrire eachchaque article topour improveaméliorer itsson contentcontenu.
If you discover an article which doesn't come up to these standards, please [[Wikinews:How to edit a page|edit]] that page to fix it! If there is no possibilty of the page being brought up to these standards, please [[Wikinews:Deletion requests|list it for deletion]] as a last resort.